This Doll Quilt has been done in the It has been made with some Civil War Reproduction Fabrics, and some modern prints, and it has an aged look.

Each block measures approximately 6 inches. It has Two end borders. one measures 2 inches, and the other is 1 ½ inches. It has no side border. The binding is just 1/4 of an inch.

This Doll Quilt has been machine pieced and quilted. The binding has been hand applied.

It reverses to a green and natural homespun fabric. The batting is thin, and is 100% cotton.

All Doll Quilts are Hand Made by Echo Vintage. They are NOT Imports.

This Doll Quilts New. It is in Mint Condition..
Width: 18 inches.
Length: 25 inches.
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